Цитаты из книги «Правила вежливости» Амор Тоулз

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«Правила вежливости» – первый роман автора бестселлеров New York Times. Уже продано более одного миллиона копий. Книга принесла колоссальный успех Амору Тоулзу, написавшему впоследствии «Джентльмена в Москве» и «Шоссе Линкольна». Последний вечер 1937 года. Кэти Контент вместе со своей подругой Ив посещают второсортный джаз-бар Гринвич-Виллидж, чтобы отпраздновать канун Нового года. Пока девушки пытаются разделить оставшиеся у них три доллара, соседний столик занимает обаятельный молодой банкир....
I've come to realize that however blue my circumstances, if after finishing a chapter of a Dickens novel I feel a miss-my-stop-on-the-train sort of compulsion to read on, then everything is probably going to be just fine.
Uncompromising purpose and the search for eternal truth have an unquestionable sex appeal for the young and high-minded; but when a person loses the ability to take pleasure in the mundane--in the cigarette on the stoop or the gingersnap in the bath--she had probably put herself in unnecessary danger.
Anyone who has ridden the subway twice a day to earn their bread knows how it goes: When you board, you exhibit the same persona you use with your colleagues and acquaintances. You've carried it through the turnstile and past the sliding doors, so that your fellow passengers can tell who you are - cocky or cautious, amorous or indifferent, loaded or on the dole. But you find yourself a seat and the train gets under way; it comes to one station and then another; people get off and others get on. And under the influence of the cradlelike rocking of the train, your carefully crafted persona begins to slip away. The super-ego dissolves as your mind begins to wander aimlessly over your cares and your dreams; or better yet, it drifts into ambient hypnosis, where even cares and dreams recede and the peaceful silence of the cosmos pervades.
Old times, as my father used to say: If you're not careful, they'll gut you like a fish.
It is a lovely oddity of human nature that a person is more inclined to interrupt two people in conversation than one person alone with a book.
If we only fell in love with people who were perfect for us...then there wouldn't be so much fuss about love in the first place.
For better or worse, there are few things so disarming as one who laughs well at her own expense.
...be careful when choosing what you're proud of--because the world has every intention of using it against you.
That's the problem with living in New York. You've got no New York to run away to.
- If you could relive one year in your life, which one would it be? - The upcoming one.