Theosophy and Music
According to some musicology and religious studies scholars, after the foundation of the Theosophical Society (1875), some professional musicians became interested in Theosophy, and many Theosophists often engaged in music. Several composers like Alexander Scriabin, Cyril Scott, Luigi Russolo chose Theosophy as the main ideological and philosophical basis of their work. Prof. Julia Shabanova stated that music, having both "existential and metaphysical" traits, extends comprehension of the world...
Theosophy and Politics
According to the statements of Helena Blavatsky and Henry Olcott, modern Theosophy and politics are not connected between themselves in any way. However, investigations of historians and religious studies scholars show that the Theosophical movement has played a significant role in consolidation of Indian nationalism. Similar to neo-Hinduism, Theosophy had supporting promotion the nationalist ideology, and this gave to us a reason to consider it not only as a form of political movement, but also...

Blavatskian Doctrine versus Science
According to the Theosophical theorists, the main difference between the Theosophical science and usual modern science is seen in the fact that the latter has to do only with scraps of a whole - with physical phenomena of this and other worlds, with that that can be performed through the physical brain of man and his feeling.
Theosophy and Science
Immediately after formation the Theosophical Society in 1875, the founders of modern Theosophy were aimed to show that their ideas can be confirmed by science. According to religious studies scholars, at the end of the 19th century the Theosophical doctrine has acquired in Europe and America wide popularity, thanking to numerous publications, which contained its simplified exposition and, in particular, asserted that Theosophy includes both science and religion, thus, positioning itself as a...