Цитата из книги «Нефритовый город» Ли Фондапоказать все Добавить

admin добавил цитату из книги «Нефритовый город» 5 лет назад
Night had fallen completely now, but it was not dark. Streetlights blazed all along the waterfront, and the headlights of cards driving by batched the road in pulses of white. Far out on the water, the slowly traveling lights of shipping vessels were smeared into blotches by sea fog and the haze of pollution from the city. The air was warm and heavy with fumes, the sweetness of overripe fruit, and the stink of nine hundred thousand perspiring inhabitants.
Hilo was twenty-seven years old, but even he remembered a time when cars and televisions were a new thing in Janloon. Now they were everywhere, along with more people, new factories, foreign-influenced street foods like tempura meatballs and spicy cheese curd. The metropolis strained at its seams and it felt as if all the people, Green Bones as well, strained with it. There was an undercurrent, Hilo thought, of everything running a bit too dangerously fast all the time, as if the city were an oily new machine cranked to its highest setting, teetering just on the edge of out of control, disrupting the natural order of things.
Нефритовый город. Только здесь современные технологии смешались с древними традициями, и только здесь добывают магический нефрит – минерал, дающий необыкновенные силы. Семья – это долг, Нефрит – сила, но Честь – превыше всего. Так считает братство Зеленых Костей, разделенное на кланы. Жажда власти толкает главу одного из кланов пойти против кодекса чести нефритовых воинов. Ответ не заставит себя ждать. Когда воюют Зеленые Кости, остаться в стороне не получится, и ставкой в сражении будет уже...