Цитата из книги «Король волшебников» Лев Гроссманпоказать все Добавить

He kicked open the first door he saw and almost died when a massive fireball rolled over him.
It was a colossally powerful casting. Someone had spent a long time setting it up and pumping energy into it. It enveloped him completely, and he felt the flames licking him, icy through the fireproofing spell. But the spell held. When the fire had dissipated his limbs were smoking but undamaged.
He was standing in the doorway of a darkened library. Inside, sitting at a desk with two lanterns on it, was a skeleton in a nice brown suit. Or not quite a skeleton, a man, but an obviously dead one. He still had flesh on him, but it had shrunk and turned leathery.
It was very still in the library. Bookshelves smoldered and crackled quietly on either side of Quentin, from the fireball. The corpse watched him with eyes like hard dry nuts.
“No?” it said finally. Its voice buzzed and flapped, a blown-out speaker. It obviously didn’t have much left in the way of vocal cords. Some unnatural force was keeping it alive, long after its sell-by date. “Well. That was my only spell.”
Квентин и его друзья теперь короли и королевы волшебной страны Филлори. Но богатства, роскошь и праздный образ жизни начинают понемногу утомлять неугомонного Квентина, он жаждет приключений. Когда привычная утренняя охота принимает неожиданный зловещий оборот, Квентин и Джулия садятся на корабль, чтобы совершить путешествие по просторам своего королевства. Однако невероятным образом друзья оказываются в последнем месте, в котором хотели бы, — в реальном мире, недалеко от родного дома Квентина. И...