Цитата из книги «Джентльмен в Москве» Амор Тоулзпоказать все Добавить

admin добавил цитату из книги «Джентльмен в Москве» 5 лет назад
Yes, exile was as old as mankind. But the Russians were the first people to master the notion of sending a man into exile at home.As early as the eighteenth century, the Tsars stopped kicking their enemies out of the country, opting instead to send them to Siberia. Why? Because they had determined that to exile a man from Russia as God had exiled Adam from Eden was insufficient as a punishment; for in another country, a man might immerse himself in his labors, build a house, raise a family. That is, he might begin his life anew.But when you exile a man into his own country, there is no beginning anew. For the exile at home—whether he be sent to Siberia or subject to the Minus Six—the love for his country will not become vague or shrouded by the mists of time. In fact, because we have evolved as a species to pay the utmost attention to that which is just beyond our reach, these men are likely to dwell on the splendors of Moscow more than any Muscovite who is at liberty to enjoy them.
Быть поэтом опасно – особенно после революции. Граф Александр Ростов в 1922-м попадает под трибунал за давно написанное стихотворение. Вместо высшей меры наказания графа отправляют в крайне необычную ссылку – в отель «Метрополь», который он не имеет права покидать. Совсем. Владелец большого поместья, никогда в своей жизни не работавший, теперь граф Ростов должен приспосабливаться и выживать в новых условиях, наблюдая за самыми страшными, поворотными событиями в нашей истории. Постепенно Ростов...