Вторая сестра
Год выхода: 2021
Серия: Crime fiction
Младшая сестра Нга-Йи покончила с собой, и девушка не верит, что это было самоубийство. В погоне за правдой она объединяется с таинственным N – хакером, специалистом по кибербезопасности и манипулированию человеческим сознанием. Вместе героям предстоит раскрыть самые грязные секреты Гонконга. Онлайн-платформа, где кто-то распускает ужасные слухи о сестре Нга-Йи. Сексуальный маньяк. Даркнет. Китайские триады. Настоящая личность N. Все как-то связано. Но готова ли Нга-Йи к правде?
Год выхода: 2021
Серия: Trendbooks thriller
«Окно» Амелии Бранскилл – это тонкая психологическая драма для читателей Young Adult. Анна и Джесс – близнецы. Анна веселая и спортивная, Джесс замкнутая и тихая. Разница в характерах не мешает дружбе девочек, у них нет секретов друг от друга. Так думает Джесс. Она просто не может поверить, что Анна разбилась насмерть, выпав из окна, когда пыталась сбежать ночью из дома. И тем более Джесс не верит, что произошел несчастный случай. Что скрывала Анна? С кем она собиралась встретиться той ночью?...

Между нами искра
Год выхода: 2021
Казалось бы, каких сюрпризов можно ожидать от вечеринки в честь сорокалетия свадьбы? Однако это в порядке вещей, когда речь идет об искрометном семействе, где верховодит неуправляемая, как природная стихия, Маргарет. Среди приглашенных — ее дочь Стелла с мужем Джорджем. Их брак распался, но супруги пока держат это в тайне. Чтобы не огорчать родителей, им придется вместе посетить торжество, а уж потом — гори все синим пламенем! Но эта семейка вообще кишит секретами, и буквально все родственники,...
Мощи Распутина. Проклятие Старца
Год выхода: 2008
Пенсильвания, наши дни. В небольшом городке, где обосновалась русская община, происходит череда загадочных убийств. Николь — молодая вдова одного из погибших — обнаруживает в семейном банковском сейфе отрезанную кисть. Плоть выглядит свежей, а из раны все еще капает кровь. Но ведь, согласно документам, сейф не открывали с 1946 года! На бумаге, в которую завернута рука, на старославянском языке написано имя Распутина. Может ли быть, что это нетленные мощи великого старца, убитого в 1916 году? ...
На тихой улице
Год выхода: 2024
ОСТРОУМНЫЙ ПСИХОЛОГИЧЕСКИЙ ТРИЛЛЕР, СТАВШИЙ БЕСТСЕЛЛЕРОМ № 1 AMAZON СРЕДИ ВСЕХ ТРИЛЛЕРОВ. ВХОДИТ В ТОП-10 КНИГ, КОТОРЫЕ НАДО ПРОЧИТАТЬ, ПО ВЕРСИИ ЖУРНАЛА BUSTLE. ОТЛИЧНОЕ СОЧЕТАНИЕ СЕРИАЛОВ «ОТЧАЯННЫЕ ДОМОХОЗЯЙКИ» И «БОЛЬШАЯ МАЛЕНЬКАЯ ЛОЖЬ». В идеальном районе идеально все… кроме соседей. Престижный район Брайтон-Хиллз на побережье Тихого океана привлекает особенным сочетанием роскоши и природной красоты. Но если заглянуть за белые заборы и панорамные окна, Брайтон-Хиллз полон тайн. Больших...
Убийства и кексики. Детективное агентство «Благотворительный магазин»
Год выхода: 2024
ЗАВАРИТЕ АРОМАТНЫЙ ЧАЙ И ОКУНИТЕСЬ В ЗАХВАТЫВАЮЩИЙ УЮТНЫЙ ДЕТЕКТИВ ВМЕСТЕ С ТРЕМЯ НЕУГОМОННЫМИ СЫЩИЦАМИ НА ПЕНСИИ. ДЛЯ ПОКЛОННИКОВ БЛИСТАТЕЛЬНЫХ ДЕТЕКТИВОВ АГАТЫ КРИСТИ И «КЛУБА УБИЙСТВ ПО ЧЕТВЕРГАМ» РИЧАРДА ОСМАНА. В прибрежном Саутборне серийный убийца преследует жителей, оставляя единственную улику в руке каждой жертвы – костяшку домино с нацарапанным на ней именем… Фиона, Сью и Дэйзи – три очаровательные дамы на пенсии, которые работают в небольшом благотворительном магазинчике. Однажды...
Pumpkins in Paradise
Год выхода: 2013
Серия: A Tj Jensen Mystery (#1)
Between shopping for Halloween costumes, volunteering for the annual pumpkin festival, and coaching her girls to the state soccer finals, high school teacher Tj Jensen finds her good friend Zachary Collins dead in his favorite chair. When the handsome new deputy closes the case without so much as a “why” or “how,” Tj turns her attention from chili cook-offs and pumpkin carving to complex puzzles, prophetic riddles, and a decades’ old secret she seemed destined to unravel.
A Shot in the Bark
Would you recognize a serial killer if you met one? Talked to one every day? Artist Lia Anderson doesn't, and neither does anyone else at the Mount Airy Dog Park. But a violent death brings Detective Peter Dourson into the close-knit group, and he is convinced someone is not who they seem. As the investigation uncovers secrets, Lia struggles with warring emotions while a killer watches and plans.
Purrs and Peril : A Norwegian Forest Café Cozy Mystery
Год выхода: 2018
Lauren Crenshaw, and her Norwegian Forest Cat Annie, run the Norwegian Forest cafe in a picturesque town in Northern California. Lauren's cousin Zoe also helps out. When one of Annie's favorite customers is murdered, the three of them try to figure out "whodunit"!
У – значит Убийца
Год выхода: 1999
Она любила рисковать. Опасность для нее была своего рода наркотиком. Доза становилась все круче, все страшнее, но Лорна Кеплер уже не могла остановиться. Это сделала за нее Смерть. Полиция закрывает дело "за неимением состава преступления". Но частный детектив Кинси Милхоун уверена: это убийство.
Cat in a Sapphire Slipper
Год выхода: 2008
Серия: The Midnight Louie Mysteries (#20)
*Cat in a Sapphire Slipper* is the twentieth title in Carole Nelson Douglas's sassy Midnight Louie mystery series. The tough-talking, twenty-pound, tomcat PI is as feisty as ever as he and his gang try to keep his favorite roommate from losing her man. PR honcho Temple Barr's romance novelist aunt Kit has wound up in a romantic plot of her own. She's snagged one of the most eligible bachelors on the Strip, one of the elder Fontana brothers, a silver-tongued reputed ex-mobster with a heart of...
The Cat, the Quilt and the Corpse
Год выхода: 2009
Серия: Cats in trouble mystery (#1)
### From Publishers Weekly Sweeney (Pick Your Poison) launches the Cats in Trouble mystery series with a meandering whodunit. Jillian Hart is content making and selling cat quilts and living quietly in Mercy, S.C., with her three cats, Syrah, Chablis and Merlot. When Syrah is catnapped, Jillian finds not only the thief-thanks to a state-of-the-art alarm system installed by charming PI Tom Stewart-but also a murder mystery to solve. The cats are entertaining four-legged assistants, with traits...
Murder Strikes a Pose
Год выхода: 2014
Серия: A Downward Dog Mystery (#1)
Yoga instructor Kate Davidson tries to live up to yoga's Zen-like expectations, but it's not easy while struggling to keep her small business afloat or dodging her best friend's matchmaking efforts. When George, a homeless alcoholic, and his loud, horse-sized German shepherd, Bella, start hawking newspapers outside her studio, Kate attempts to convince them to leave. Instead, the three strike up an unlikely friendship. Then Kate finds George's dead body. The police dismiss it as a drug-related...
The Cats that Surfed the Web
Год выхода: 2013
Серия: The cats that mysteries (#1)
$44 million. A Victorian mansion. And a young career woman with cats. The prospect sounded like a dream come true. What could possibly go wrong? How could a friendly town’s welcome turn into a case of poisoning, murder, and deceit? When Katherine “Katz” Kendall, a computer professional in New York City, discovers she’s the sole heir of a huge inheritance, she can’t believe her good fortune. She’s okay with the clauses of the will: Move to the small town of Erie, Indiana, check. Live in her...
Desperate Housedogs
Год выхода: 2011
Серия: Pampered pets mystery (#1)
When Caro Lamont, former psychologist turned pet therapist makes a house call to help Kevin Blackstone with his two misbehaving German Shepherd dogs, she expects frantic dogs, she expects a frantic dog owner, she even expects frantic neighbors. What she doesn't expect is that two hours later the police will find Kevin dead, his dogs impounded; and that as the last person to see Kevin alive (well, except for the killer) she is suddenly a person of interest, at least according to Homicide...
A Borrowing of Bones
Год выхода: 2018
Серия: Mercy Carr Mysteries (#1)
The first in a gripping new series by Paula Munier, *A Borrowing of Bones* is full of complex twists, introducing a wonderful new voice for mystery readers and dog lovers. *Grief and guilt are the ghosts that haunt you when you survive what others do not....* After their last deployment, when she got shot, her fiancé Martinez got killed and his bomb-sniffing dog Elvis got depressed, soldier Mercy Carr and Elvis were both sent home, her late lover's last words ringing in her ears: "Take care of...
How to Wash a Cat
Год выхода: 2010
Серия: Cats and curios (#1)
"San Francisco has always been a beacon for second, third, and fourth-chancers." That's what my Uncle Oscar used to say. "There's nothing here to hold you back. You can do - or become - whatever or whoever you want." Oscar owned a small antique shop called the Green Vase, here, in San Francisco. His specialty was Gold Rush history. He'd acquired an extensive collection of artifacts from that time period, mostly due to his network of contacts in the construction industry. You see, after the...
Playing with Poison
Год выхода: 2012
Серия: Cue Ball Mysteries (#1)
**Playing With Poison was a Quarter Finalist in the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award! Murder meets menopause. Take a guess which wins. ** **PRAISE for Playing With Poison** "I just love Jessie Hewitt. She is the bomb." Melina Mason, *Melina's Book Blog* "This was one of my favorite submissions so far. I loved the main character, Jessie Hewitt, a middle aged romance writer (ex-pool hustler) having the time of her life." *Amazon contest review* "These characters are a hoot!! A lighthearted cozy...
Murder at the Courthouse
Год выхода: 2015
Серия: The Hidden Springs Mysteries (#1)
After a few years as a police officer in Chicago, Michael Keane has no trouble relaxing into the far less stressful job of deputy sheriff in his small hometown. After all, nothing ever happens in Hidden Springs, Kentucky. Nothing, that is, until a dead body is discovered on the courthouse steps. Everyone in town is a little uneasy. Still, no one is terribly worried—after all the man was a stranger—until one of their own is murdered right on Main Street. As Michael works to solve the case it...
Yappy Hour
Год выхода: 2016
Серия: Roundup Crew Mystery Series (#1)
With side-splitting humor, an irresistable cast of characters--both human and canine--and an intimate small town setting, *Yappy Hour* is sure to delight fans of Rita Mae Brown and Diane Kelly. Every Friday night in the idyllic seaside town of Pacific Cove, CA, the Roundup Crew, a group of dog-loving friends, meet at a neighborhood wine bar for Yappy Hour. When Rachel, the owner, mysteriously leaves town and asks her sister, Maggie (who is neither pet friendly nor business savvy), to run the bar...
Год выхода: 2011
Серия: Pet Rescue Mysteries (#1)
### From Publishers Weekly Animals play a passive role in Johnston's less than engaging first in a new series featuring Lauren Vancouver, who runs HotRescues, a private no-kill animal shelter in Granada Hills, Calif. After raiding a puppy mill, Lauren is certain that Efram Kiley, an animal care apprentice who'd abused his own dog and was working for her as part of a legal agreement, tossed beagle puppies down a drainpipe. When Efram is later found stabbed to death at Lauren's shelter, she...
Purr M for Murder
Год выхода: 2017
Серия: Cat Rescue Mysteries (#1)
Sydney McCall left behind an ex-fiance and a New York advertising job to return home to Deer Park, North Carolina and help her sister, Kat, run the local animal shelter, Friendly Paws. Determined to save the shelter from financial trouble, Sydney and Kat organize a cat cafe fundraising event at a local coffee shop. Things are looking up until their landlord, Trowbridge Littleton, threatens to shut down the event. When Sydney drops by his art gallery to make peace, she finds Kat--along with...
Nine Lives to Murder
Год выхода: 1994
Someone is trying to kill leading British Shakespearean actor, husband, father, ladies man, and soon-to-be Knight of the Realm Winstanley Fortescue. The actor, rehearsing his starring role in the forthcoming play *Serpent in the Heather* , is conked on the head backstage. He falls off a ladder and lands on the resident Pest Control Officer, Montmorency D. Mousa (otherwise known as Monty), the company cat. When Fortescue comes to, he finds to his horror that he has been switched into Monty's...
Yarn to Go
Год выхода: 2013
Серия: A Yarn Retreat Mystery (#1)
*Dessert chef Casey Feldstein doesn’t know a knitting needle from a crochet hook. But after her aunt dies unexpectedly, leaving Casey to run her yarn retreat business, the sweets baker finds herself rising to the occasion—and trying to unravel a murder mystery* When Casey finds out that her late aunt’s business, Yarn2Go, has one more yarn retreat scheduled, she decides to go ahead and host the event, despite her complete lack of experience as a knitter. At least the retreat is on the beautiful...