Цитаты из книги «Цвет жизни» Джоди Пиколт

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Рут Джефферсон, медсестра с двадцатилетним опытом и сложной судьбой, оказывается в ужасной ситуации: женщину обвиняют в тяжком преступлении — убийстве новорожденного мальчика. Его родители накануне запретили Рут прикасаться к ребенку, и клиника заменила медсестру. Но на следующее утро мальчик умер от сердечного приступа. Виновной называют именно Рут: выполнила ли она приказ руководства или вмешалась? Спустя некоторое время оказывается, что ее «вина» — цвет кожи. Сможет ли Рут доказать свою...
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My dad’s friend Greg ran an alternative coffeehouse (What did that even mean? That they served tea?).
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... it’s better to have more of something than less .
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... sometimes when people spoke, it wasn’t because they had something important to say. It was because they had a powerful need for someone to listen.
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Pride is an evil dragon; it sleeps underneath your heart and then roars when you need silence.
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It felt perfect, you know? And perfect means that something’s bound to go wrong.
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“Prejudice goes both ways, you know. There are people who suffer from it, and there are people who profit from it."
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Maybe however much you’ve loved someone, that’s how much you can hate. It’s like a pocket turned inside out.
It stands to reason that the opposite should be true, too.
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When you start to see the seedy underbelly of America, it makes you want to live in Canada.
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There is no such thing as a fact. There is only how you saw the fact, in a given moment. How you reported the fact. How your brain processed that fact. There is no extrication of the storyteller from the story.
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Some of us never learn. And some of us learn earlier than others.
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In a lot of ways, having a teenager isn’t all that different from having a newborn. You learn to read the reactions, because they’re incapable of saying exactly what it is that’s causing pain.
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... a plate’s not a meal unless there’s more than one color on it.
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The truth has teeth.
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What no one told me about grief is how lonely it is. No matter who else is mourning, you’re in your own little cell.
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Bad things happen to good people every day.
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... old habits die hard.
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If the first freedom you lose in prison is privacy, the second is dignity.
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... maybe there are differences between us-socioeconomic, political, racial-but that doesn’t mean we can’t connect, human to human, friend to friend.
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The best lies are the ones that are wrapped around a core of truth.
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Be careful what you wish for.