Рецензии на книгу «Наследник самозванца» Антон Рябиченко

Что нужно попаданцу для счастья? Дайте угадаю: очнуться в теле сына местного правителя, обучиться магии или боевым искусствам у супер наставника, обзавестись питомцем - драконом, совершить эпический подвиг и завоевать сердце красавицы принцессы. Всё это ждёт Айвери, но не так как обычно. Спросите как? Да вот так:
SvitlanaPaliei написал(а) рецензию на книгу

Наследник самозванца - тестовый перевод

Добрый день! Очень заинтересована в работе над проектом по переводу Вашей книги. Опыт перевода жанра фэнтези довольно обширный (напр., Юлия Сьянова "Догонялки", Юлия Эллисон "Между льдом и пламенем" и многие другие книги). Дипломированный переводчик. Направляю перевод тестового фрагмента, опубликованного на freelancehut (начало первой главы, книга "Наследник самозванца"):


“How do you feel?” I heard someone’s voice.

It was an obnoxious one, a little squeaky like an old door in a draft. Rusty door that haven’t been oiled in a long time. I opened my eyes and couldn’t hide my surprise. I was lying on a wooden bench in a room and didn’t recognize. Around me were bare stone walls. In a corner, I noticed a wooden chest with lots of unwashed clothes tossed over it. The bright sunlight was streaming through the tiny window without any bit of glass. And in front of me, on a single furniture piece in this room – on a stool – was sitting bearded old man, red-nosed and wearing a robe that probably wasn’t new with a bunch of pockets and even more patches. His beard was as grey, thin and dirty as he was. He smelled even worse than a full trash can after being exposed to the direct sun for three days in a row. The face was traced with a multitude of wrinkles and his hair was growing in a weird manner – like bushes, here and there. But his eyes had a completely different effect on me. They were clear and bright and his glance on me seemed to pierce my essence revealing hidden thoughts and feelings. No tramp or drunkard could have such eyes.

“Did I partied hard yesterday with members of Tolkien fan-club and accidentally became friends with their leader?” – this thought puzzled me but then I felt an awful pang and nausea; I asked in a hoarse voice:

“Where am I?”

Мои координаты: Светлана Палей, eurocommerce.sp@gmail.com, +359885043170.