"One minute the teacher was talking about the Civil War. And the next minute he was gone. There. Gone. No 'poof.' No flash of light. No explosion."
— Sam
"But if all they did was kill time, time would end up killing them" — Albert
"You'll never have complete control, Caine. This world is changing all the time. Animals. People. Who knows what's next? We didn't' make this world, we're just the poor fools who are living in it."
— Sam
"Welcome to Perdido beach, where our motto is: Radiation, what radiation?" — Quinn
"Smart-ass. The point is, I've known from the start that you were important in some way. Your're a shooting star across the sky, trailing sparks."
"Do I shoot right into a brick wall tommorow?"
"I don't know," she admitted. "but I know you're the brightest shooting star in the sky."
— Astrid & Sam
"He says, allowing his elliptical tone to imply any number of things"
Sam smiled. "I'm all about elliptical implications.
[-] "... Give your speech and then let's go and see if you even know what 'elliptical' means."
— Astrid & Sam
Мы боимся. Но иногда страх – это и есть самое страшное.
- Что ты делаешь, когда волна сбивает тебя с борда?
- Стараюсь не заводиться.
- Вот именно. Тебя крутит, а ты держишь голову высоко, верно? И плывёшь на свет.
- "Нам нечего бояться, кроме самого страха", - прошептала Астрид......
- Это слова президента Рузвельта, которые он произнёс в годы Великой Депрессии, повергшей в страх всю страну....
"That's your solution? Have a cookie?" Astrid asked.
"No, my solution is to run down to the beach and hide out until this is all over," Sam said. "But a cookie never hurts."