Цитаты из книги «Хладные легионы» Ричард Морган

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Рингил Эскиат бежит от своего прошлого и семьи, которая отреклась от него, от работорговцев, которые жаждут его смерти, и, по-видимому, от самих темных богов, которые проявляют к нему интерес, но смысла в их действиях не больше, чем когда-либо. Объявленный вне закона и изгнанный с северной родины, Рингил понимает, что может направиться лишь в одно место – Ихельтет, сердце южной Империи, где, возможно, его приютит Арчет, некогда боевая соратница Рингила, а теперь – высокопоставленная советница...
admin добавил цитату из книги «Хладные легионы» 3 года назад
Women know the price of things, Gil. We learn it hard and fast at our mother's knee, helping and caring and fetching and carrying, while our brothers are still playing at knights and foes without a care in the world. The world falls on us early.
admin добавил цитату из книги «Хладные легионы» 3 года назад
Куда бы ты ни пошел, – сказал ему однажды Рингил, когда они поднялись верхом на утесы Демлашарана и оттуда глядели на побережье, – есть одна хрень, которая не меняется. Людям нужно кого-то ненавидеть. Это позволяет им чувствовать себя сильными, гордиться собой. Находить единомышленников.
admin добавил цитату из книги «Хладные легионы» 4 года назад
Ordinarily, Egar could give a shit if he offended them or not, but it doesn’t pay to upset a man who has a razor at your throat.
admin добавил цитату из книги «Хладные легионы» 4 года назад
In the end, she said, a little bitterly, facing him in the warm perfumed bathwater one evening, despite wealth, despite wisdom, despite contacts and court alliances, I am still a woman. And I will be judged on all counts for that single fact, via the cursed fucking geometry of how pleasing I am to the eye. Cheekbones and arse cheeks are my destiny.
admin добавил цитату из книги «Хладные легионы» 4 года назад
“To be completely honest with you, Gil, my best guess up to now was that you’d crawled back to that shit-hole little mountain town you saved in the war. You know, back to where they still think you’re some kind of hero and don’t mind you buggering their sons.”
“Oh, they mind, Poppy.” A thin smile. “Even there, even where they owe me their lives, they mind. But what are they going to do about it? You can’t control a son the way you control a daughter. Can’t just lock him in the house or beat him to a pulp like you can with your wife. Not once he gets older than about fifteen, anyway. Too much chance he’ll hit you right back.”
admin добавил цитату из книги «Хладные легионы» 4 года назад
He landed awkwardly, breath caught up, only half convinced his head was still on his shoulders.
admin добавил цитату из книги «Хладные легионы» 4 года назад
Truth is, it’s a fucking mess. And we’re stuck right in the middle of it.
admin добавил цитату из книги «Хладные легионы» 4 года назад
THE WORLD OPENS UP AND SWALLOWS YOU DOWN. This is not new. You’ve spent the last decade of your life, at least, wondering how it’ll burn down in the end. Before that, of course, you were too young and alive to really believe in your own death, but the war took all that away.
admin добавил цитату из книги «Хладные легионы» 4 года назад
Rumors and lies and campfire smoke
admin добавил цитату из книги «Хладные легионы» 4 года назад
What young man doesn’t want the cold command of steel in his clenched fist? Something sharp and powerful. Something to hold.
admin добавил цитату из книги «Хладные легионы» 4 года назад
... if you aren't careful, they drag you in there with them, and damage whatever delicate mechanisms of sanity keep you centered in your own version and understanding of what's real. Better by far to let them have their way, and you go yours. There's a state of mind you need for it, something like the slightly fogged and thoughtless competence you find underlying your hangover the morning after a night lit up with krinzanz and cheap tavern wine.
You cope, you move on.
admin добавил цитату из книги «Хладные легионы» 4 года назад
“Show’s over,” he said brusquely. “Nothing to see here.” And there it was, something in the words as he spoke them, some echo of the elusive feeling he’d been carrying around all day-which now slid out from the shadows and took on recognizable form. Bored, he realized with a slight shock. Dragonbane - you are bored.