Цитаты из книги «Железное золото» Пирс Браун

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Десять лет назад планеты Солнечной системы были ввергнуты в хаос войны между высшими и низшими кастами Сообщества, разделенного на цвета. Но раскол в Сообществе гораздо глубже кастовых противоречий. Дэрроу, бывший шахтер-проходчик, а ныне лорд-император республики, сталкивается с предательством в тот момент, когда его чествуют как победителя. Сенат выдвигает ему серьезное обвинение, сильные союзники отступаются от него. Увенчанного лаврами полководца ждет арест, а возможно, и нечто худшее....
admin добавил цитату из книги «Железное золото» 1 год назад
“Watch him for a moment. Stick him if he gets out of line.” “Immobilizing strike or just a flesh wound?” the girl asks. “Goryhell. Just watch him. Little psycho.”
admin добавил цитату из книги «Железное золото» 1 год назад
Before he can move, the girl shoves him back and darts her head to look through the holes in the door, then dips back to shelter.
“Four Obsidian braves, six Grays, three Browns. Six EFC-37 rifles, two GR-19 pistols, two Eaglefor PR-117s, a Vulcan 8k pulseFist. Couldn’t make out the rest.”
I stare at her. “So, no dolls for you, huh?”
admin добавил цитату из книги «Железное золото» 1 год назад
I will love you until the sun dies. And when it does, I will love you in the darkness.
admin добавил цитату из книги «Железное золото» 1 год назад
Sevro grins. “Listen, Thraxa, kids are like dogs. Some whimper, some bark, some growl. You just gotta find the right language and then speak it back at them.” Alexandar smirks. “You can speak to dogs?” “I talk to you, don’t I?
admin добавил цитату из книги «Железное золото» 1 год назад
The little fantasies of murder are what keep servants sane. They tell themselves they allow me my power. And if ever I become too dreadful, they will do me in and maybe take over. But of course they never do. They procrastinate their vengeance because deep down, they are afraid not just of me, but like all people they fear their own fantasies. Easier to cherish them and keep them inside where they are in control.
admin добавил цитату из книги «Железное золото» 1 год назад
They see my slender hands and naked face and believe me weak. Dangerous game, judging a blade by its scabbard.
admin добавил цитату из книги «Железное золото» 1 год назад
Change isn’t made by mobs that envy, but by men who dare.
admin добавил цитату из книги «Железное золото» 1 год назад
Have I ever asked you for anything? Then you’ll know how much I mean this: do not take Sevro with you. As a favor to me. Tell him to stay here.”
“He won’t.”
“He will if you tell him to.”
“No, he won’t.” I pause my packing, look at Victra’s pleading eyes. “We both know I would have to knock him unconscious and leave him here hogtied.”
She shrugs her shoulders, suggesting she would be fine with that plan.
“I can’t do that to him.”
“But you can take him to Venus? Where he’s likely to die?”
“I can’t manipulate him,” I say. “I won’t. Even if I do, we both know he’ll be right behind me in another, slower ship.”
“Then I’ll put his leg in a bear trap.”
“He’ll just chew it off.”
admin добавил цитату из книги «Железное золото» 1 год назад
I know it may be impossible to believe now, when everything is dark and broken, but you will survive this pain, little one. Pain is a memory. You will live and you will struggle and you will find joy. And you will remember your family from this breath to your dying days, because love does not fade. Love is the stars, and its light carries on long after death.
admin добавил цитату из книги «Железное золото» 1 год назад
“What did he want?” Sevro asks. “What do all politicians want?” “Prostitutes.” “Control !”