"Do you think this is funny?" she asked, and her voice was hoarse. "Is it because the victim is an American citizen? Do you find the murder of American citizens funny?"
I was tempted to tell her it was because we were British and actually had a sense of humor, but I try not to be cruel to foreigners, especially when they're that strung out.
Molly gave me a long stare and then inclined her head at me, exactly the way Ziggy the dog had, before gliding off toward the stairs. Possibly to put fresh linen on the guest bed or perhaps to sharpen her meat cleavers - it's hard to tell with Molly.
I bet Gandalf could drink you under the table.
The media response to unusual weather is as ritualised and predictable as the stages of grief. First comes denial: 'I can't believe there's so much snow.' Then anger: 'Why can't I drive my car, why are the trains not running?' Then blame: Why haven't the local authorities gritted the roads, where are the snow ploughs, and how come the Canadians can deal with this and we can't? This last stage goes on the longest and tends to trail off into a mumbled grumbling background moan, enlivened by occasional 'Asylum Seekers Ate My Snow Plough' headlines from the Daily Mail.
rules of English grammar are largely an artificial construct with little or no bearing on the language as it is spoke
policing would be so much easier if you didn't have to worry about members of the public getting under your feet
I don't remember the bit where Hermione gets so wicked drunk that Harry has to pull the broomstick over on Buckingham Palace Road just so she can be sick in the gutter.
У людей забавное представление о полицейских. Первое, что они думают – мы определённо счастливы поспешать в любую чрезвычайную ситуацию, не задумываясь о собственной безопасности.
Реакция средств массовой информации на необычную погоду столь же ритуализирована и предсказуема, как и стадии беды. Сначала приходит отрицание: “Не могу поверить, что так много снега”. Потом гнев: “Почему я не могу вести машину, почему поезда не ходят?” Затем обвинение: “Почему местные власти не посыпали песком дороги, где снегоочистители, и почему канадцы могут справиться с этим, а мы нет?” Эта последняя стадия продолжается дольше всего.
Самое трудное в магии то, что она не выдаёт желаемое за действительное. Вы не сделаете невидимую пневматическую дрель, представляя её в уме.