Цитаты из книги «Город лестниц» Роберт Беннетт

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Когда-то Божества правили Континентом, а значит, и всем миром, Сайпур же был всего лишь угнетенной колонией, лишённой божественной благодати. Но в отсутствие чудес сайпурцы пошли по технологическому пути развития и в результате не только свергли континентальную власть, но и убили почти всех Божеств, погрузив материк в хаос. Все, сотворенное Божествами, исчезло, города лежат в руинах, местным жителям запрещают изучать собственную историю и отправлять религиозные ритуалы. Когда в Мирграде, столице...
admin добавил цитату из книги «Город лестниц» 4 года назад
Хороший историк держит прошлое в голове, а будущее – в сердце.
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So if you’re losing the debate, you change the conversation.
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"Мы обращаемся к нашему прошлому, чтобы узнать, как пришли к настоящему."
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Шрамы – окна в боль, и лучше их не трогать.
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Божества создали ад, и не один, – говорит он, – но все они бледнеют перед тем, что создали для себя люди.
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Forgetting... is a beautiful thing. When you forget, you remake yourself... For a caterpillar to become a butterfly, it must forget it was a caterpillar at all. Then it will be as if the caterpillar never was & there was only ever a butterfly.
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..history, as you may know, is much like a spiral staircase that gives the illusion of going up, but never quite goes anywhere.
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The gods are cruel not because they make us work. They are cruel because they allow us to hope.
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You can be a girl at any age, you know. Girls at forty. Girls at fifty. There's a kind of flightiness to them, just like how a man at forty can have the impatience and belligerence of a five-year-old boy. But you can also be a woman at any age.
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There is no crueler hells then committee work....
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Shara was already an avid reader by then, but she had never realized until that moment what books meant, the possibility they presented: you could protect them forever, store them up like engineers store water, endless resources of time and knowledge snared in ink, tied down to paper, layered on shelves.... Moments made physical, untouchable, perfect, like preserving a dead hornet in crystal, one drop of venom forever hanging from its stinger.
She felt overwhelmed. It was--she briefly thinks of herself and Vo, reading together in the library--a lot like being in love for the first time.
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When in doubt, be patient, and watch.
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Just because the nightmare you expected comes true, it doesn't make it any less terrifying.
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Time renders all people and all things silent. And gods, it seems, are no exception.
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Envy the fire, for it is either going or not. Fires do not feel happy, sad, angry. They burn, or they do not burn.
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The political instinct might wear different clothes in different nations, but underneath the pomp and ceremony it's the same ugliness.
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Sigrud is a hammer in a world of nails, and he is satisfied knowing only that.
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Coffee refreshes the body,” says Shara. “Tea refreshes the soul.
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The sort of people who intermittently review their children, she thinks, rather than raise them
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And Olvos said to them: “Why have you done this, my children? Why is the sky wreathed with smoke? Why have you made war in far places, and shed blood in strange lands?And they said to Her: “You blessed us as Your people, and we rejoiced, and were happy. But we found those who were not Your people, and they would not become Your people, and they were willful and ignorant of You. They would not open their ears to Your songs, or lay Your words upon their tongues. So we dashed them upon the rocks and threw down their houses and shed their blood and scattered them to the winds, and we were right to do so. For we are Your people. We carry Your blessings. We are Yours, and so we are right. Is this not what You said?”And Olvos was silent.
admin добавил цитату из книги «Город лестниц» 5 лет назад
– Люди – такие странные существа, Шара Комайд… Они ценят наказание, потому что видят в нем признание важности своих действий – а значит, собственной важности. В конце концов – смысл наказывать за то, что не имеет никакого значения? Посмотри на колкастани: они реально считают, что мир существует единственно для того, чтобы вгонять их в краску, унижать, наказывать и испытывать! Все создано только ради них, родимых! Мир полон гадостей и боли, но все это исключительно ради того, чтобы они страдали! Так что Колкан всего лишь дал им то, чего они хотели.