Мослер Уоррен - Семь смертных невинных обманов. Экономическая политика

Семь смертных невинных обманов. Экономическая политика

2 хотят прочитать
Год выхода: 2010
примерно 131 стр., прочитаете за 14 дней (10 стр./день)
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"Here, Warren Mosler identifies and debunks seven entrenched ideas keeping the economy in a downward trajectory. In this ... book, he exposes commonly-held beliefs, such as 'deficits leave the debt burden to our children' and 'Social Security is broken,' to be economic myths. In addition to correcting these mindsets, Mosler promotes the restoration of the American economy with practical and feasible proposals. Along the way, he explains the operational realities of the monetary system in clear, down-to-earth language"--Book jacket.

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