Ровелли Карло - Срок времени

Срок времени

1 хочет прочитать 2 рецензии
Год выхода: 2020
примерно 122 стр., прочитаете за 13 дней (10 стр./день)
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Карло Ровелли – итальянский физик-теоретик, специалист в области квантовой гравитации, автор нескольких научно-популярных книг. В “Сроке времени” он предлагает неожиданный взгляд на такой, казалось бы, привычный нам всем феномен, как время. Время, утверждает он, не универсальная истина, а иллюзия, это просто наше ощущение последовательности событий, их причинно-следственных связей. Время есть форма нашего взаимодействия с миром. Тайна времени, вероятно, в большей степени связана с тем, что такое мы сами, чем с тем, что такое космос.

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Asea_Aranion написал(а) рецензию на книгу

(read by Benedict Cumberbatch)
I am here to say that I did not like this book, Cumberbatch or no Cumberbatch. In fact, my impression is that BC’s manner and quality of voice are not very suitable for a text that demands keeping your eyes open and your mind alert. He has a beautiful voice, but its enchantment prevails over the subject matter. With Benedict’s performance, the non-fiction on quantum physics sounds as if it were a bedtime story, and I know that it can be no less engaging than any thriller. However, the narrative style of this particular book is to blame, too. Perhaps it was somewhat daring of me to take up a scientific audiobook in a foreign language, but still, there are not so many terms or lingo, and I’ve read some works on popular physics before. I was going to listen to this one along with reading Félix J. Palma’s “The Map of Time”, and what I expected was, I believe, some rational ground for science fiction and for everyone’s experience of time rushing away or dragging on, contracting or expanding regardless of clocks and watches. That occurred to be not exactly the author’s intention. Unlike Carl Sagan (God bless him) who makes you wonder, makes you understand (c), Carlo Rovelli deals with only the first part. He tells you things like “it is the most astounding conclusion in contemporary physics” and refers to Planck time only for the impact of its extreme smallness, without really explaining where the amount comes from (luckily I already knew that from Leonard Susskind). Instead of explicating, he keeps repeating counter-intuitive ideas twice and thrice, to be sure that you are duly wondering. So I got more of a contemplative essay than a brain exercise that I sought for. In the abundance of metaphors and similes, inevitable as they may be for describing extrasensory phenomena, I could hardly seize hold of grains of knowledge – or the actual sense of epigraphs by Horace, to tell the truth.

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Asea_Aranion написал(а) рецензию на книгу

(read by Benedict Cumberbatch)
I am here to say that I did not like this book, Cumberbatch or no Cumberbatch. In fact, my impression is that BC’s manner and quality of voice are not very suitable for a text that demands keeping your eyes open and your mind alert. He has a beautiful voice, but its enchantment prevails over the subject matter. With Benedict’s performance, the non-fiction on quantum physics sounds as if it were a bedtime story, and I know that it can be no less engaging than any thriller. However, the narrative style of this particular book is to blame, too. Perhaps it was somewhat daring of me to take up a scientific audiobook in a foreign language, but still, there are not so many terms or lingo, and I’ve read some works on popular physics before. I was going to listen to this one along with reading Félix J. Palma’s “The Map of Time”, and what I expected was, I believe, some rational ground for science fiction and for everyone’s experience of time rushing away or dragging on, contracting or expanding regardless of clocks and watches. That occurred to be not exactly the author’s intention. Unlike Carl Sagan (God bless him) who makes you wonder, makes you understand (c), Carlo Rovelli deals with only the first part. He tells you things like “it is the most astounding conclusion in contemporary physics” and refers to Planck time only for the impact of its extreme smallness, without really explaining where the amount comes from (luckily I already knew that from Leonard Susskind). Instead of explicating, he keeps repeating counter-intuitive ideas twice and thrice, to be sure that you are duly wondering. So I got more of a contemplative essay than a brain exercise that I sought for. In the abundance of metaphors and similes, inevitable as they may be for describing extrasensory phenomena, I could hardly seize hold of grains of knowledge – or the actual sense of epigraphs by Horace, to tell the truth.

oandrey написал(а) рецензию на книгу

тебе бы книжки НЕ писать, начальник

Может , на поприще «чистой» литературы Карло и успел бы больше но в научпопе ему не очень то удается сочетать науч с попом. Главная и очень интересная мысль книги о том, что время не поток из прошлого в будущее, а имеет природу поля, как и всё остальное но видим мы его однонаправленно потому, что оно сильно связано с энтропией, которая может только расти. Но мысль эта наглухо заблудилась между ненужными отступлениями, экскурсами в литературу и непонятными цитированиями. Не знаю, с какой целью; для объема или от ненодуманности мысли, но обилие этого балласта раздражало.

admin добавил цитату 4 года назад
различие прошлого и будущего - это следствие нашего расфокусированного взгляда на мир
admin добавил цитату 4 года назад
время - это след какого-то движения
admin добавил цитату 4 года назад
мир - это не совокупность вещей, это совокупность событий
admin добавил цитату 4 года назад
существует только то, что находится во времени
admin добавил цитату 4 года назад
не утрата вызывает горечь