Webb Holly - The Mystery Kitten

The Mystery Kitten

1 прочитал и 1 хочет прочитать
Год выхода: 2020
примерно 22 стр., прочитаете за 3 дня (10 стр./день)
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Elsa is finding it difficult to make new friends after her family moves house. Then she hears strange, scratching noises at night and discovers a kitten living in the attic! The little cat has gorgeous black fur and so Elsa names him Pepper. Elsa is desperate to keep her lovely new kitten friend. Dad thinks Pepper belonged to the previous owner, but who would leave behind such a beautiful kitten? A new story from best-selling author Holly Webb, perfect for animal-loving children and fans of ZOE'S RESCUE ZOO and MAGIC ANIMAL FRIENDS.

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