Цитата из книги «Аргонавты» Мэгги Нельсонпоказать все Добавить

admin добавил цитату из книги «Аргонавты» 1 год назад
I think Butler is generous to name the diffuse “commodification of identity” as the problem. Less generously, I’d say that the simple fact that she’s a lesbian is so blinding for some, that whatever words come out of her mouth—whatever words come out of the lesbian’s mouth, whatever ideas spout from her head—certain listeners hear only one thing: lesbian, lesbian, lesbian. It’s a quick step from there to discounting the lesbian—or, for that matter, anyone who refuses to slip quietly into a “postracial” future that resembles all too closely the racist past and present—as identitarian, when it’s actually the listener who cannot get beyond the identity that he has imputed to the speaker. Calling the speaker identitarian then serves as an efficient excuse not to listen to her, in which case the listener can resume his role as speaker. And then we can scamper off to yet another conference with a keynote by Jacques Rancière, Alain Badiou, Slavoj Žižek, at which we can meditate on Self and Other, grapple with radical difference, exalt the decisiveness of the Two, and shame the unsophisticated identitarians, all at the feet of yet another great white man pontificating from the podium, just as we’ve done for centuries.
«Аргонавты» Мэгги Нельсон — текст на стыке жанров, автотеоретическое высказывание о желании, идентичности, создании квир-семьи, ограничениях и возможностях любви и языка. Работая в традиции публичных интеллектуалов, таких как Сьюзен Сонтаг и Ролан Барт, Нельсон сплетает историю своих отношений с художником Гарри Доджем с исследованием того, что культовые теоретики говорили о сексуальности, гендере, институте брака и материнстве. Это вдумчивая и бескомпромиссная книга о радикальной свободе и...