...в наши дни, что бы ты ни сделал, кто-то обязательно заявит, что может предложить такую же услугу дешевле.
Он не мог долго оставаться на каком-то одном месте, и вся его жизнь представляла собой что-то вроде временного визита в этот мир.
Ненавижу ковбоев. Все, что я мог бы им сделать, им уже сделала лошадь.
- Where is Mule Crossing exactly?
- In a county measuring seven thousand square miles. Which is run by a sheriff's department likely no bigger than two men and a dog.
- OK, call them in the morning. Fingers crossed the men answer, not the dog.
Bramall stopped the truck.
He said: "From my point of view this kind of thing is perfectly normal. I drive up to hundreds of houses. Sometimes there's yelling and sometimes there are dogs, but no one has ever discharged a weapon in my direction. We should talk about how you think those odds might change, with you in the car right next to me".
"You want me to get out and walk?"
I was going to say our next move should be go talk to Porterfield's neighbors. But I don't know exactly what that means out here. Everyone lives twenty miles from everyone else. I bet they never see each other.
Reacher said:
- Who are you?
The kid said:
- I came by to get something.
Which was technically non-responsive, but Reacher let it go.
Терпеть не могу ковбоев. Нет ничего, что бы я мог им сделать, и чего бы им уже не сделала лошадь.