Cat in a Sapphire Slipper
Год выхода: 2008
Серия: The Midnight Louie Mysteries (#20)
*Cat in a Sapphire Slipper* is the twentieth title in Carole Nelson Douglas's sassy Midnight Louie mystery series. The tough-talking, twenty-pound, tomcat PI is as feisty as ever as he and his gang try to keep his favorite roommate from losing her man. PR honcho Temple Barr's romance novelist aunt Kit has wound up in a romantic plot of her own. She's snagged one of the most eligible bachelors on the Strip, one of the elder Fontana brothers, a silver-tongued reputed ex-mobster with a heart of...
Год выхода: 2008
### Review *Terrier* , Pierce returns to the Tortall universe (home to her Song of the Lioness, Immortals, Protector of the Small, and Daughter of the Lioness series). Want to learn more? Read an exclusive essay from Tamora Pierce below. *\--Daphne Durham* * * * **An Essay from Tamora Pierce** Sixteen-year-old Beka Cooper lives far removed from knights, palaces, and the nobility. Her world revolves around thieves, beggars, taverns, and the lowest of the low. She's a trainee for the...

Summon the Keeper
Год выхода: 2007
Being one of the Earth's protectors is never easy, but when Claire the Keeper and Austin the cat find themselves in charge of the Elysian Fields Guesthouse Bed and Breakfast, all Hell breaks loose in the form of a gateway residing in the basement! Do not miss the latest from one of the top writers in the fantasy genre! * Compares to best-selling fantasy authors Mercedes lackey and Charles deLint * Tanya Huff's DAW books were chosen by the New York Public Library system as part of their Books for...
Only the Cat Knows
Год выхода: 2007
Vanessa and her twin brother Vance are very close. So when someone pushes Vanessa down a flight of stairs and puts her into a coma, Vance wants revenge. He decides that masquerading as Vanessa will lead him to the villain. With her clothes, her makeup, and what he knows about his beloved sister, he pulls it off very well and is on the verge of learning what he needs to know. ..Until he discovers a serious threat that might destroy all his efforts. There is one pair of eyes he can’t pull the wool...
Heart Mate
Год выхода: 2006
SUMMARY: In a world whose inhabitants are defined by their individual psychic gifts, Danith Mallow, a young woman with little psychic talent, is drawn to the aristocratic Rand T'Ash, a respected nobleman and artisan who has crafted a magnificent necklace to attract his destined beloved. Original. SUMMARY: All his life, Rand T Ash has looked forward to meeting his HeartMate, with whom he could begin a family. Once a street tough, now a respected nobleman and artisan, he has crafted the perfect...
Long Hot Summoning
Год выхода: 2003
Серия: Keeper chronicles (#3)
In Tanya Huff's delightful new follow-up to her acclaimed bestsellers, Summon the Keeper The Second Summoning a force from the Otherside threatens to break through to our world and destroy the balance between Light and Darkness. Unless, of course, the Keepers Claire and Diana-two sisters who are able to reweave the possibilities of time and space-can prevent a permanent rift between the local shopping mall.
The Cat Next Door
Год выхода: 2002
Margot returns to her well-to-do family in England on the eve of her Aunt Chloe's murder trial—she is accused of fatally stabbing her twin sister with a kitchen knife in the garden. Nothing has been the same since Claudia's body was found: her 14-year-old daughter, Lynette, refuses to leave her bedroom, the paparazzi are relentless, and Tikki, the family's beloved Abyssinian, goes to stay with the neighbors. When another body, whom no one recognizes, shows up facedown in the pond while the...
To Catch A Cat
Год выхода: 2000
The last thing 11-year-old Robin wants to hear is that his mother and her new husband are extending their honeymoon indefinitely. Not that staying with his Aunt Mags is so bad, but there's her boyfriend to contend with, and the members of the school gang are insisting that he complete a dare before they let him join the group. They want Robin to kidnap Mrs. Nordling's prize-winning cat when no one is home. Getting into the Nordling's house is easy, and Robin manages to find the cat and put him...
The Company of Cats
Год выхода: 1999
When millionaire Arthur Arbuthnot mistakes gossip maven Annabel Hinchby-Smythe for a decorator—and hires her to redecorate his apartment—the fiscally challenged Annabel can't refuse. When she sees Arbuthnot's tatty London flat, she knows anything will be an improvement. And any gossip she can dig up will be pure gold for the tabloids. But when Arthur is found dead, his frisky relatives begin to lick their chops. Arbuthnot's beloved tabby, Sally, was the only witness to the homicide—and the sole...
Письма по-английски на все случаи жизни
Год выхода: 1997
Пособие представляет собой собрание образцов писем на английском языке, затрагивающих самые разнообразные стороны повседневной жизни. Это дружеские и деловые письма, письма — приглашения в гости и письма-благодарности, письма-извинения и письма-просьбы. Книга знакомит с этикетом написания письма на английском языке, некоторыми правилами английской пунктуации и орфо­графии, а также содержит справочные материалы различного рода, необходимые при написании писем. Пособие рассчитано на широкий круг...
Canapés for the Kitties
Год выхода: 1996
Серия: Brimful Coffers (#1)
The cat's out of the bag: dead bodies are piling up in Brimful Coffers, a picturesque English village. Among the deceased is Boswell, a pet white rat. His killers were caught: Had-I and But-Known, two mischievous felines belonging to Lorinda Lucas, mystery writer. Unfortunately, the other victims were all too human--and their killer remains at large... The danger in Brimful Coffers was unforeseen when several authors created an informal writers' colony in this lovely town outside of London. In...
The Diamond Cat
Год выхода: 1995
A lifetime of craving more cuddly companionship than her hectoring mother has led fortyish Bettina Bilby to board her neighbors' felines for a long holiday weekend: an expectant tabby, a pampered blue-eyed Balinese, a depressed ginger Persian with a cod-liver-oil addiction, and Adolf, an imperious mouser with a patchwork face. But a freak storm sets the pigeon among the cats—a carrier bird downed on the doorstep with a tiny load of large flawless diamonds. And Bettina's dilemma escalates, as...
Nine Lives to Murder
Год выхода: 1994
Someone is trying to kill leading British Shakespearean actor, husband, father, ladies man, and soon-to-be Knight of the Realm Winstanley Fortescue. The actor, rehearsing his starring role in the forthcoming play *Serpent in the Heather* , is conked on the head backstage. He falls off a ladder and lands on the resident Pest Control Officer, Montmorency D. Mousa (otherwise known as Monty), the company cat. When Fortescue comes to, he finds to his horror that he has been switched into Monty's...
Summer of Night
Год выхода: 1992
SUMMARY: In the summer of 1960 in Elm Haven, Illinois, five 12-year-old boys forge the powerful bonds that a lifetime of change will not break. An ancient, sinister evil lurks in the dark, and when a long-silent bell peals in the middle of the deepest night, the people know it marks the beginning of terror. Now Mike, Duane, Dale, Harlen, and Kevin must wage a fraternal war of blood against an arcane abomination.
Год выхода: 1991
The resources of Aleph, the artificial intelligence that operates the high-orbital space station Halo, are being diverted to its experimental sections. And when the corporation that owns Halo hires freelance data auditor Mikhail Gonzales to observe the problem, Aleph starts spinning out of control. "A clear and well-conceived plot . . . Maddox is a name to watch".--SF Chronicle.
ТЕОРИЯ ПЕРЕВОДА (лингвистические аспекты)
Год выхода: 1990
В учебнике даётся систематическое изложение современной лингви­стической теории перевода: проблемы эквивалентности, жанрово-стилистических особенностей, прагматики перевода, лексических и грамматиче­ских соответствий и других аспектов переводческого процесса. Материал основан на работах в области перевода как советских, так и зарубежных лингвистов.
Reel Murder
Год выхода: 1985
Written by Marian Babson. When two grand dames of Hollywood, silent film star Eve Sinclair ('she put the sin in Cinema') and ex-hoofer Trixie Dolan set out for London to attend a film retrospective held in Eve's honour, they fully expect to be the centre of attention. What they don't expect is that all the lovely attention will be generated not by an appreciation of their talents but by a series of grisly murders associated with the retrospective. Even less do they expect to find themselves...
Англо-русский учебный словарь
Год выхода: 1984
Словарь содержит около 75 000 слов и выражений, употребительных в современном английском языке. Предназначается как для иностранного читателя, изучающего русский язык, так и для русского читателя, изучающего английский язык. В словаре широко представлена словосочетаемость, дается много иллюстративных фраз и предложений, которые помогут читателю в овладении современной разговорной лексикой. Словарь окажет значительную помощь студентам и преподавателям языковых вузов.
Alanna_The First Adventure
Год выхода: 1983
*From now on I'm Alan of Trebond, the younger twin. I'll be a knight.* And so young Alanna of Trebond begins the journey to knighthood. Though a girl, Alanna has always craved the adventure and daring allowed only for boys; her twin brother, Thom, yearns to learn the art of magic. So one day they decide to switch places: Thom heads for the convent to learn magic; Alanna, pretending to be a boy, is on her way to the castle of King Roald to begin her training as a page. But the road to knighthood...
Убить пересмешника [англ. и рус. параллельные тексты]
Год выхода: 1960
Роман «Убить пересмешника...», впервые опубликованный в 1960 году, имел оглушительный успех и сразу же стал бестселлером. Это и неудивительно: Харпер Ли (1926–1975), усвоив уроки Марка Твена, нашла свой собственный стиль повествования, который позволил ей показать мир взрослых глазами ребёнка, не упрощая и не обедняя его. Роман был удостоен одной из самых престижных премий США по литературе — Пулитцеровской, печатался многомиллионными тиражами. Его перевели на десятки языков мира и продолжают...
Латинская терминология в курсе анатомии человека
Учебное пособие предназначено для студентов медицинских вузов, лечебных факультетов университетов, изучающих анатомию человека, топографическую анатомию, клинические дисциплины. Прежде всего, оно будет полезным при подготовке к экзамену по нормальной анатомии. Пособие содержит перечень русских и латинских терминов, насчитывающий 1022 наименования анатомических образований, рекомендованных для подготовки к экзамену по анатомии человека.
Earmarked Gold
Three dirty rats, of the tommy-gun wielding variety are desperate and hatch a scheme to get their hands on some bullion. They have also laid hands on Red Gleason to help with this end, and Bill and the others go after them.
Ругательства на 15 языках
Туризм в России приобретает все большую популярность. Люди едут за границу, чтобы познакомиться с культурой и историей стран, встретиться с друзьями-иностранцами, сделать покупки, провести деловые встречи, отдохнуть. Они общаются с коренными жителями либо через переводчика, либо по классическому разговорнику, либо на том литературном иностранном языке, который выучили в школе. Но иногда, очутившись в каком-нибудь пабе, на трибуне стадиона или просто в нетрезвой компании, они чувствуют себя...
Серия: Fairy books of andrew lang (#11)
The Olive Fairy Book contains eight Punjabi tales, five from Armenia, 16 other stories from Turkey, Denmark, the Sudan, and more. An enchanting world of flying dragons, ogres, fairies, and princes transformed into white foxes with illustrations by H.J. Ford.