Цитата из книги «Исчезающий город» Джозеф Финк, Джеффри Крэйнорпоказать все Добавить

admin добавил цитату из книги «Исчезающий город» 5 лет назад
"Carlos." She lowered her voice, forced herself to sound calmer, so that he would not write off what she was saying as an emotional outburst. "Your experiments are what has been opening up those pits. Your experiments have been destroying the town. It`s not that the city or anyone else is causing the destruction to stop you. Every time you start one of the experiments the destruction happens. Our causation was backward the whole time."
Defensiveness is natural, protective. The body`s number one objective is to preserve itself. Being told that your actions are bad would seem a threat to your well-being, harming your reputation, your self-esteem, leaving you vulnerable to retaliation, possibly losing your job, which is your livelihood, which is what keeps you sheltered and fed and alive. In the quick moment of a single piece of negative feedback, however catastrophic, the subconscious mind processes all of that far below the surface. It doesn`t make these proceedings transparent to the conscious mind. It doesn`t speak to itself in any kind of human language with constructed arguments for and against. There is no Robert`s Rules of Order in the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is ruled by neurons and synapses and the deep, conservative demands of instinct.
So while Carlos`s reaction to Nilanjana`s statement was rich and complex in terms of physiology and, neurologically speaking, was profoundly interesting, what he said was:
"Oh, come on."
И снова добро пожаловать в Найт-Вэйл. Милый городок в пустыне, где светит жаркое солнце, сияет дивная луна и загадочные огни проносятся над головой, когда все делают вид, что спят. Здесь живут привидения, ангелы, пришельцы и… вполне обычные люди. Казалось бы, странные события для этого городка – неотъемлемая часть повседневной жизни. Так было всегда, пока по всему Найт-Вэйлу не стали появляться загадочные глубокие воронки… Именно поэтому ведущий ученый Найт-Вэйла Карлос поручает своей новой...