Цитата из книги «Автобиография Элис Би Токлас» Гертруда Стайнпоказать все Добавить

But do you never read french, I as well as many other people asked her. No, she replied, you see I feel with my eyes and it does not make any difference to me what language I hear, I don’t hear a language, I hear tones of voice and rhythms, but with my eyes I see words and sentences and there is for me only one language and that is english. One of the things that I have liked all these years is to be surrounded by people who know no english. It has left me more intensely alone with my eyes and my english. I do not know if it would have been possible to have english be so all in all to me otherwise. And they none of them could read a word I wrote, most of them did not even know that I did write. No, I like living with so very many people and being all alone with english and myself.
One of her chapters in The Making of Americans begins: I write for myself and strangers.
Гертруда Стайн (1874—1946) — выдающаяся писательница, первопроходец литературы модерна — предстает перед русским читателем в своеобразной биографии, своего рода взгляде с другой стороны на события, описанные Хемингуэем в романе «Праздник, который всегда с тобой». Эта фальшивая автобиография, написанная от лица многолетней подруги и любовницы Гертруды Стайн, нарушает все правила грамматики и правила самой жизни, однако она принесла писательнице заслуженную славу. Писатели и художники,...