Цитата из книги «Итан Фром» Эдит Уортонпоказать все Добавить

admin добавил цитату из книги «Итан Фром» 5 лет назад
He seemed a part of the mute melancholy landscape, an incarnation of its frozen woe, with all that was warm and sentient in him fast bound below the surface; but there was nothing unfriendly in his silence. I simply felt that he lived in a depth of moral isolation too remote for casual access, and I had the sense that his loneliness was not merely the result of his personal plight, tragic as I guessed that to be, but had in it, as Harmon Gow had hinted, the profound accumulated cold of many Starkfield winters.
В повести «Итан Фром», опубликованной в 1911 году, речь идет о трагической судьбе обедневшего фермера из Новой Англии.