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admin добавил цитату из книги «Дверь в декабрь» 3 года назад
Padrakis followed him. 'Hey, about those books—'
'Do you read, George?'
'They're the property of the deceased—'
'Nothing like curling up with a good book, though they're not nearly so entertaining when you're deceased.'
'And this isn't like a crime scene where we can just cart away anything that might be evidence.'
Dan balanced the box on the bumper of his car, unlocked the trunk, put the box inside, and said, '"The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who can't read them." Mark Twain said that, George.'
'Listen, until a member of his family has been located and gives approval, I really don't think you should—'
Slamming the lid of the trunk, Dan said, '"There is more treasure in books than in all the pirates' loot on Treasure Island." Walt Disney. He was right, George. You should read more.'
'"Books are not merely lumps of lifeless paper, but minds alive on the shelves." Gilbert Highet.' He clapped George Padrakis on the shoulder. 'Expand your narrow existence, George. Bring color to this drab life as a detective. Read, George, read!'
Dan got in the car, closed the door, and started the engine. Padrakis frowned at him through the window.
Dan waved as he drove away.
Дьявольский эксперимент открыл дверь в наш мир чему-то ужасному. И когда ОНО приходило за очередной жертвой, ледяное дыхание иной реальности вымораживало не только воздух вокруг, но и души людей… Детектив Дэн Холдейн, переживший множество потерь и поражений, но так и не сумевший примириться с насилием, на этот раз решил сделать все, чтобы спасти от неведомого врага девятилетнюю Мелани Маккэфри и ее очаровательную и мужественную мать Лауру. Но ненависть и жажда мести толкают таинственного убийцу...