Об автореподробнее
Родилась: в Атланте, штат Джорджия, Соединенные Штаты

...was born and raised in the Atlanta, GA suburbs.
...has been writing stories since preschool. Generally about her pets.
...is three years older than her sister and twelve years older than her brother.
...is an extraordinarily picky eater.
...really loves ice cream, though. And most desserts.
...is Jewish, despite her Italian last name.
...has attempted and spectacularly failed at almost every sport.
...rocked t-shirts from the Nature Company basically every day of middle school.
...actually did fail sex ed in sixth grade (the diagrams were slightly overwhelming).
...wrote and directed a tragic play at age twelve with a plot that borrowed heavily from a Lurlene McDaniel novel.
...read a lot (no really. A LOT) of The Baby-Sitters Club and Sweet Valley High.
...in all seriousness, wanted to be Mary Anne Spier, but was a total Mallory Pike.
...fell hard for Harry Potter at age sixteen and never grew out of it.
...was briefly but powerfully obsessed with anime in high school.
...has dazzled audiences with moving portrayals of Townsperson, Lady in Waiting, Chorus, and Hairy Ishmaelite.
...went to college in Connecticut and totally freaked out about all of the snow.
...and her college friends once created their own likenesses on the Sims, and it was all fun until Sim Becky burned the Sim house down and then peed herself.
...majored in psychology and avoided hard sciences whenever possible.
...studied abroad at St. Andrews in Scotland, which had nothing to do with Prince William being there at the time. NOTHING AT ALL.
...moved to Washington, D.C. after college and eventually earned a doctorate in clinical psychology.
...met her husband playing kickball.
...had the privilege of working with an incredible group of gender nonconforming kids in Washington, D.C. for seven years.
...is a licensed clinical psychologist who got to work with the most amazing kids, teenagers, and adults. She is not currently practicing as a psychologist.
...will absolutely never borrow her clients’ stories for her fiction. Confidentiality is sacred, and it doesn’t expire.

(по данным официального сайта автора)

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