The first in a gripping new series by Paula Munier, *A Borrowing of Bones* is full of complex twists, introducing a wonderful new voice for mystery readers and dog lovers. *Grief and guilt are the ghosts that haunt you when you survive what others do not....* After their last deployment, when she got shot, her fiancé Martinez got killed and his bomb-sniffing dog Elvis got depressed, soldier Mercy Carr and Elvis were both sent home, her late lover's last words ringing in her ears: "Take care of...
Bernadette Simmons wasn't sure what to expect when she left L.A.--and her no-good, cheating boyfriend--to move back in with her family in New York. And her sister Libby had no idea what she was in for when she hired Bernie to work for her catering business. But in between cutting up canapés and dishing up desserts, the two find themselves in the midst of a mystery they can really sink their teeth into. . . It's only been a few days since Bernie and Libby started working together at A Little...
This story was told by the streets, trees and the walls of the old Greek Church. The girl knew she had to tell how miraculous events happen in the lives of very ordinary people if they have courage to belief. To belief like little Can did. She opened the notebook and started to write, there must be liberation. You hear the story, you live the story, and you tell the story to repeat the cycle of its life.
Would you recognize a serial killer if you met one? Talked to one every day? Artist Lia Anderson doesn't, and neither does anyone else at the Mount Airy Dog Park. But a violent death brings Detective Peter Dourson into the close-knit group, and he is convinced someone is not who they seem. As the investigation uncovers secrets, Lia struggles with warring emotions while a killer watches and plans.
*From now on I'm Alan of Trebond, the younger twin. I'll be a knight.* And so young Alanna of Trebond begins the journey to knighthood. Though a girl, Alanna has always craved the adventure and daring allowed only for boys; her twin brother, Thom, yearns to learn the art of magic. So one day they decide to switch places: Thom heads for the convent to learn magic; Alanna, pretending to be a boy, is on her way to the castle of King Roald to begin her training as a page. But the road to knighthood...
Предлагаем вниманию читателей первый и самый известный роман канадской писательницы Люси Монтгомери «Энн из Зеленых Мезонинов», вышедший в свет в 1908 году и к середине XX века ставший одним из самых популярных произведений англоязычной детской литературы.
Книга снабжена словарем и сносками на идиоматические выражения.
Gestatten? Mein Name ist Ray. Seit ich denken kann, will ich Privatdetektiv werden. Im Grunde, das wird jedem einleuchten, gibt es keinen Job, für den ein Erdmännchen besser geeignet ist. Überwachen und Observieren gehören quasi zu unserer genetischen Grundausstattung. Gleiches gilt für Spuren lesen und Herumschnüffeln. Ich bin der geborene Schnüffler. Nur dass meine Fähigkeiten hier im Zoo völlig verkannt werden. Besser gesagt: wurden. Denn heute ist Phil aufgetaucht. Und so, wie es aussieht,...
### From Publishers Weekly Animals play a passive role in Johnston's less than engaging first in a new series featuring Lauren Vancouver, who runs HotRescues, a private no-kill animal shelter in Granada Hills, Calif. After raiding a puppy mill, Lauren is certain that Efram Kiley, an animal care apprentice who'd abused his own dog and was working for her as part of a legal agreement, tossed beagle puppies down a drainpipe. When Efram is later found stabbed to death at Lauren's shelter, she...
This book is written by Harold. His fulltime occupation is dog. He lives with Mr. and Mrs. Monroe and their sons Toby and Pete. Also sharing the home are a cat named Chester and a rabbit named Bunnicula. It is because of Bunnicula that Harold turned to writing. Someone had to tell the full story of what happened in the Monroe household after the rabbit arrived. Was Bunnicula really a vampire? Only Bunnicula knows for sure. But the story of Chester's suspicions and their consequences makes...
The cat's out of the bag: dead bodies are piling up in Brimful Coffers, a picturesque English village. Among the deceased is Boswell, a pet white rat. His killers were caught: Had-I and But-Known, two mischievous felines belonging to Lorinda Lucas, mystery writer. Unfortunately, the other victims were all too human--and their killer remains at large... The danger in Brimful Coffers was unforeseen when several authors created an informal writers' colony in this lovely town outside of London. In...
*Cat in a Sapphire Slipper* is the twentieth title in Carole Nelson Douglas's sassy Midnight Louie mystery series. The tough-talking, twenty-pound, tomcat PI is as feisty as ever as he and his gang try to keep his favorite roommate from losing her man. PR honcho Temple Barr's romance novelist aunt Kit has wound up in a romantic plot of her own. She's snagged one of the most eligible bachelors on the Strip, one of the elder Fontana brothers, a silver-tongued reputed ex-mobster with a heart of...
Douglas Perkins of Perkins and Tate (Public Relations) Ltd believed that the business of a PRO was to put the client's best foot forward, and try to hide the other three cloven hooves. He even went on believing it when Black Bart and his Troupe of Hillbilly Singers were wished on the firm by their American associates, who had arranged for the Troupe to make a few appearances on English TV shows. The tangled personal relationships and professional jealousies within the Troupe soon gave Perkins a...
В повести рассказана история мальчика-подростка Ли Боттса, который переписывается с автором детских книжек мистером Хеншоу. В будущем Ли мечтает купить печатную машинку и стать знаменитым писателем, но пока у него не получается придумать даже рассказ для школьного конкурса юных сочинителей. Всё дело в том, что в семье Боттсов произошли перемены.
Death on the Range When opportunity nocks… When a competitive archer is murdered at the training facility where Di has just started working, she's thrust into the middle of an unofficial investigation before she can even settle into her new life. With her roommate Mary and a Great Dane named Moo, she begins to unravel the mystery around the death of the victim, but can they solve the case before they find themselves in the killer's sights? A wholesome cozy murder for every sleuth in the family...
Carrie Singleton is just about done with Clover Ridge, Connecticut until she's offered a job as the head of programs and events at the spooky local library, complete with its own librarian ghost. Her first major event is a program presented by a retired homicide detective, Al Buckley, who claims he knows who murdered Laura Foster, a much-loved part-time library aide who was bludgeoned to death fifteen years earlier. As he invites members of the audience to share stories about Laura, he suddenly...
When Caro Lamont, former psychologist turned pet therapist makes a house call to help Kevin Blackstone with his two misbehaving German Shepherd dogs, she expects frantic dogs, she expects a frantic dog owner, she even expects frantic neighbors. What she doesn't expect is that two hours later the police will find Kevin dead, his dogs impounded; and that as the last person to see Kevin alive (well, except for the killer) she is suddenly a person of interest, at least according to Homicide...
When a top-ranked competitor keels over at a dog obedience trial, photographer Janet MacPhail is swept up in a maelstrom of suspicion, jealousy, cut-throat competition, death threats, pet-napping, and murder. She becomes a “person of interest” to the police, and apparently to major hunk Tom Saunders as well. As if murder and the threat of impending romance aren’t enough to drive her bonkers, Janet has to move her mother into a nursing home, and the old lady isn’t going quietly. Janet finds...
Three dirty rats, of the tommy-gun wielding variety are desperate and hatch a scheme to get their hands on some bullion.
They have also laid hands on Red Gleason to help with this end, and Bill and the others go after them.
Die Expansion des Universums. Was verbirgt sich dahinter? Vielleicht gibt es keine Expansion? Oder besser gesagt, das ist nicht das, was derzeit präsentiert wird.In diesem Buch wird eine neue Vision der Expansion des Universums vorgeschlagen.
**The *New York Times* bestselling author of ** the Cat in the Stacks Mysteries ** and *Digging Up the Dirt* returns with the latest Southern Ladies Mystery...** It's autumn down south, and An'gel and Dickce Ducote are in Natchez, Mississippi, at the request of Mary Turner Catlin, the granddaughter of an old friend. Mary and her husband, Henry Howard, live in Cliffwood, one of the beautiful antebellum homes for which Natchez is famous. Odd things have been happening in the house for years, and...
В этом сборнике вы найдёте двадцать коротких историй о двух неразлучных друзьях. Квак и Жаб живут по соседству и проводят всё время вместе. Оптимистичный и отзывчивый Квак всегда поддерживает своего наивного, боязливого и чуточку ленивого друга Жаба. Вместе они воспитывают в себе силу воли, развивают упорство и терпение, укрепляют веру в себя, что помогает им смело преодолевать все трудности.
### "This book had the flavor of some of my favorite books.... Fahrenheit 451 and 1984, without the dystopian sadness. I was fascinated by the mythology of the cats back to the library of Alexandria. ...some of the same adventure, magic... battle between good and bad that I loved in the Harry Potter books." Karen, Amazon Reader Review "...the story also can be appreciated for its classic structure and homage to archetypes handed down through all the ages of story-telling. Here is the hero's...
Hayley loves playing with her teddy bear named Asher. One day, the friends decide to set up a hospital at their home. Hayley “fell ill” and Asher became a doctor. He examined the patient, gave injections and prescribed medications. Then the roles were reversed. Hayley realized how important the work of doctors is.
The resources of Aleph, the artificial intelligence that operates the high-orbital space station Halo, are being diverted to its experimental sections. And when the corporation that owns Halo hires freelance data auditor Mikhail Gonzales to observe the problem, Aleph starts spinning out of control. "A clear and well-conceived plot . . . Maddox is a name to watch".--SF Chronicle.