An Incantation of Cats
Год выхода: 2020
Серия: Witch Cats of Cambridge (#2)
**The new novel in Clea Simon's spellbinding Witch Cats of Cambridge series!** When two new clients seek Becca's professional services, the fledgling witch detective is overjoyed. Finally, she can use her skills to help her magical community. But as the young witch finds the new cases intertwining, things grow more complicated. Becca's three cats - the ones with the real power - can smell something is wrong with these clients. But not even Clara, the calico, knows what to do when a man ends up...
Terrier Transgressions
Год выхода: 2019
Серия: Pet Whisperer P.I. (#2)
I’m finally coming to terms with the fact I can speak to animals, even though the only one who ever talks back is the crabby tabby I’ve taken to calling Octo-Cat. What I haven’t quite worked out is how to hide my secret…  Now one of the associates at my law firm has discovered this strange new talent of mine and insists I use it to help defend his client against a double murder charge. To make things worse, I kind of have the hots for this Charles Longfellow, III.  And even worse than that?...

Luna the Magickless Fluff
Год выхода: 2022
If you've never been to a magical cat wedding, then you are definitely missing out! But with so many supernatural creatures gathered in one small space, there's bound to be a kerfuffle or two. Luckily, Gracie Springs, resident human, wedding planner, and familiar extraordinaire, is on the case.
Китти и лунный котёнок
Год выхода: 2021
Китти — очень необычная девочка! Как и её мама, она обладает магическими суперспособностями и даже умеет понимать язык животных! Вот только девочка никогда не думала, что сможет ими воспользоваться. Ведь она вовсе не такая храбрая, как ей бы хотелось! Например, она ужасно боится темноты… Но однажды ночью городским кошкам понадобилась помощь девочки, и та поняла: настало время побороть свой страх! Получится ли у Китти помочь зверятам? И какие приключения её ждут под луной? Книги о Китти...
Persian Penalty
Год выхода: 2020
Серия: Pet Whisperer P.I. (#15)
With the help of her animal companions, Angie has finally located her long-lost grandmother. Charles, Paisley, and Octo-Cat accompany Angie on an impromptu road trip, but this family reunion isn't all hearts and flowers. Join the gang as past and present converge, and both bring new mysteries to solve.
Pleas of the Poltergeist
Год выхода: 2022
Серия: The Meowing Medium (#3)
My name is Mags McAllister, and I really need to stop being surprised when new ghosts show up at my door. Thanks to my special spectral feline Shadow, I have a largely unwanted link to the spirit realm--and word is starting to spread that I'm a good person to haunt for those who wish to button up their unfinished business. This time, my new ghost has a voice of her own, and she is definitely not afraid to use it--to make demands, complain, and even to criticize my choice of clothing. Frankly,...
Gifts of the Ghost
Год выхода: 2022
Серия: The Meowing Medium (#2)
I'm Mags McAllister, and my cat is a ghost. Well, sort of. It's a long story. All you really need to know is that, thanks to said cat, I can now see the spirits of people long past. They bring me the mysteries surrounding their death and expect me to solve them. But you can't exactly do a quick Google search to learn more about small-town events that happened more than a century ago. Apparently you help one wayward specter and more will start appearing at the foot of your bed in the middle of...