The Butcher's Theater
Год выхода: 2013
For all its many crimes of passion and politics, Jerusalem has only once before been victimized by a serial killer. Now the elusive psychopath is back, slipping through the fingers of police inspector Daniel Sharavi. And one murderer with a taste for young Arab women can destroy the delicate balance Jerusalem needs to survive. *** They call the ancient hills of Jerusalem the butcher’s theater. Here, upon this bloodstained stage, a faceless...
The Mountain's Shadow
Год выхода: 2013
Some mistakes can literally come back to bite you. First it was ADD. Then pediatric bipolar. Now the hot behavioral disorder in children is CLS, or Chronic Lycanthropy Syndrome. Public health researcher Joanie Fisher was closing in on the cause in hopes of finding a treatment until a lab fire and an affair with her boss left her without a job. When her grandfather leaves her his multimillion-dollar estate in the Ozarks, though, she figures her luck is turning around. Except her inheritance...

The Biomass Revolution
Год выхода: 2013
Серия: The tisaian chronicles (#1)
What would you do if you lived in a world where your every move was scrutinized by your own personal artificial intelligence—a world where everything is regulated, from power usage to relationships—a world where everything you thought you knew turned out to be a lie? Welcome to Tisaia—The last hub of modern civilization in a world left scorched by the nuclear fires of the Biomass Wars. Surrounded by a fortress of steel walls and protected by a fierce and loyal Council of Royal Knights, Tisaia...
The Saturday Boy
Год выхода: 2013
If there’s one thing I’ve learned from comic books, it’s that everybody has a weakness—something that can totally ruin their day without fail. For the wolfman it’s a silver bullet. For Superman it’s Kryptonite. For me it was a letter. With one letter, my dad was sent back to Afghanistan to fly Apache helicopters for the U.S. army. Now all I have are his letters. Ninety-one of them to be exact. I keep them in his old plastic lunchbox—the one with the cool black car on it that says...
The Sky So Heavy
Год выхода: 2013
For Fin it’s just like any other day – racing for the school bus, bluffing his way through class, and trying to remain cool in front of the most sophisticated girl in his universe. Only it’s not like any other day because, on the other side of the world, nuclear missiles are being detonated. When Fin wakes up the next morning, it’s dark, bitterly cold, and snow is falling. There’s no internet, no phone, no TV, no power, and no parents. Nothing Fin’s learned in school could have prepared him...
The Abominable: A Novel
Год выхода: 2013
A thrilling tale of high-altitude death and survival set on the snowy summits of Mount Everest, from the bestselling author of *The Terror* It's 1924 and the race to summit the world's highest mountain has been brought to a terrified pause by the shocking disappearance of George Mallory and Sandy Irvine high on the shoulder of Mt. Everest. By the following year, three climbers -- a British poet and veteran of the Great War, a young French Chamonix guide, and an idealistic young American --...
Год выхода: 2013
Серия: Status (#1)
In social media, nothing is what it seems… Tyesha Fenty is a beautiful 22-year-old mother of one very precocious little girl-and an unashamed internet addict. Between taking care of her daughter and posting updates about her life via the Web, Tyesha stresses over love and family. The father of her child is a spiritually devout drug dealer named Rodrick Al-Bashir who has a thing for other women. And her mother, Velma Fenty, is a widowed hoarder on the verge of losing her house. Stalking is...
Killing Time
Год выхода: 2013
Серия: One-eyed jacks (#1)
An exciting new series featuring Mike “Primetime” Brown, a character from her popular “Black Ops, Inc.” series. For the seven years after Operation Slam Dunk went south, Mike Brown got drunk on each anniversary. The eighth year was no different—until he was drugged by a woman and woke up to her questions about what had happened eight years ago in Afghanistan. CIA attorney Eva Salinas has her own theory behind what happened to Mike’s team—which included her husband—in Afghanistan eight years...
The Cats that Surfed the Web
Год выхода: 2013
Серия: The cats that mysteries (#1)
$44 million. A Victorian mansion. And a young career woman with cats. The prospect sounded like a dream come true. What could possibly go wrong? How could a friendly town’s welcome turn into a case of poisoning, murder, and deceit? When Katherine “Katz” Kendall, a computer professional in New York City, discovers she’s the sole heir of a huge inheritance, she can’t believe her good fortune. She’s okay with the clauses of the will: Move to the small town of Erie, Indiana, check. Live in her...
Yarn to Go
Год выхода: 2013
Серия: A Yarn Retreat Mystery (#1)
*Dessert chef Casey Feldstein doesn’t know a knitting needle from a crochet hook. But after her aunt dies unexpectedly, leaving Casey to run her yarn retreat business, the sweets baker finds herself rising to the occasion—and trying to unravel a murder mystery* When Casey finds out that her late aunt’s business, Yarn2Go, has one more yarn retreat scheduled, she decides to go ahead and host the event, despite her complete lack of experience as a knitter. At least the retreat is on the beautiful...
He Said, Sidhe Said
Год выхода: 2013
In these seven contemporary fantasies from Tanya Huff, we see a dog's eye view of loyalty and a cat's eye view of sea serpents. We learn that some Brownies could use a shave--although cookies will still be sold--and that there are at least two sides to every relationship, no matter how accidental and/or mythical that relationship is. We're also reminded that however worthwhile it may be to die with purpose, it's better to live well. Huff's ability to leaven heartache with humour--and vise...
Год выхода: 2012
Richard Lafargue, a well-known plastic surgeon, pursues and captures Vincent Moreau, who raped Lafargue’s daughter and left her hopelessly mad in an asylum. Lafargue is determined to exact an atrocious vengeance, and an ambiguous, even sadomasochistic relationship develops between self-appointed executioner and victim.
A Partial History of Lost Causes
Год выхода: 2012
FINALIST FOR THE PEN/HEMINGWAY PRIZE FOR DEBUT FICTIONIn Jennifer duBois’s mesmerizing and exquisitely rendered debut novel, a long-lost letter links two disparate characters, each searching for meaning against seemingly insurmountable odds. With uncommon perception and wit, duBois explores the power of memory, the depths of human courage, and the endurance of love. NAMED BY THE NATIONAL BOOK FOUNDATION AS A 5 UNDER 35 AUTHOR • WINNER OF THE CALIFORNIA BOOK AWARD GOLD MEDAL FOR FIRST FICTION...
White Ash on Bone: A Zombie Novel
Год выхода: 2012
The story is set in my home town of Butler, Pennsylvania. Classically, the region is the heart of zombie lore. I grew up watching zombie movies that were filmed just down the road. It certainly can impact a young mind.  The novel starts out on what should be an average day. A demented prisoner in the drunk-tank, who happens to be subject zero, is brought before a judge to have his case reviewed. He breaks away, and violence soon spills outside of the courtroom.  White Ash on Bone follows...
Кузькіна мать: хроніка великого десятиріччя (До 50-річчя Карибської кризи)
Год выхода: 2012
Нова книжка видатного історика, письменника і військового аналітика Віктора Суворова, написана в кращих традиціях бестселерів «Криголам» і «Акваріум» - це грандіозна історична реконструкція подій кінця 1950-х - першої половини 1960-х років, коли в результаті протистояння СРСР і США людство опинилося на межі Третьої світової війни, на волосині від загибелі в глобальній ядерній катастрофі. Складаючи відомі та маловідомі факти й події тих років в єдину мозаїку, автор розповідає про справжні...
Толькі не гавары маёй маме
Год выхода: 2012
У кнігу лірычнай прозы Адама Глобуса “Толькі не гавары маёй маме” сабраны кароткія аповесці пра каханне і суперажыванне, пра лютасць і мужнасць, пра здзіўленне і гідкасць. Ёсць у кнізе і аповесць іранічная, а таксама – кароткі раман пра лёгкае разчараванне.
Funny Children's Stories. Bilingual Edition
Год выхода: 2012
Эта книга — двуязычное издание недавно опубликованной русской книги и её перевода на английский язык с комментариями издателя для американского читателя. Книга представляет собой сборник коротких детских рассказов o событиях, происходивших в Москве в середине пятидесятых годов прошлого века, через десять лет после окончания второй мировой войны. Рассказы могут быть интересны как детям, так и взрослым. Дети найдут в книге много по-настоящему смешных эпизодов и смогут посмотреть на столицу...
Год выхода: 2012
Серия: Ray & Rufus die Erdmännchen (#1)
Gestatten? Mein Name ist Ray. Seit ich denken kann, will ich Privatdetektiv werden. Im Grunde, das wird jedem einleuchten, gibt es keinen Job, für den ein Erdmännchen besser geeignet ist. Überwachen und Observieren gehören quasi zu unserer genetischen Grundausstattung. Gleiches gilt für Spuren lesen und Herumschnüffeln. Ich bin der geborene Schnüffler. Nur dass meine Fähigkeiten hier im Zoo völlig verkannt werden. Besser gesagt: wurden. Denn heute ist Phil aufgetaucht. Und so, wie es aussieht,...
Playing with Poison
Год выхода: 2012
Серия: Cue Ball Mysteries (#1)
**Playing With Poison was a Quarter Finalist in the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award! Murder meets menopause. Take a guess which wins. ** **PRAISE for Playing With Poison** "I just love Jessie Hewitt. She is the bomb." Melina Mason, *Melina's Book Blog* "This was one of my favorite submissions so far. I loved the main character, Jessie Hewitt, a middle aged romance writer (ex-pool hustler) having the time of her life." *Amazon contest review* "These characters are a hoot!! A lighthearted cozy...
Drop Dead on Recall
Год выхода: 2012
When a top-ranked competitor keels over at a dog obedience trial, photographer Janet MacPhail is swept up in a maelstrom of suspicion, jealousy, cut-throat competition, death threats, pet-napping, and murder. She becomes a “person of interest” to the police, and apparently to major hunk Tom Saunders as well. As if murder and the threat of impending romance aren’t enough to drive her bonkers, Janet has to move her mother into a nursing home, and the old lady isn’t going quietly. Janet finds...
Cover-Up Story
Год выхода: 2012
Douglas Perkins of Perkins and Tate (Public Relations) Ltd believed that the business of a PRO was to put the client's best foot forward, and try to hide the other three cloven hooves. He even went on believing it when Black Bart and his Troupe of Hillbilly Singers were wished on the firm by their American associates, who had arranged for the Troupe to make a few appearances on English TV shows. The tangled personal relationships and professional jealousies within the Troupe soon gave Perkins a...
A Catered Murder
Год выхода: 2012
Bernadette Simmons wasn't sure what to expect when she left L.A.--and her no-good, cheating boyfriend--to move back in with her family in New York. And her sister Libby had no idea what she was in for when she hired Bernie to work for her catering business. But in between cutting up canapés and dishing up desserts, the two find themselves in the midst of a mystery they can really sink their teeth into. . . It's only been a few days since Bernie and Libby started working together at A Little...
Theories of Flight
Год выхода: 2011
Серия: Samuil petrovitch (#2)
Winner of the 2012 Philip K. Dick Award Theorem: Petrovitch has a lot of secrets. Proof: Secrets like how to make anti-gravity for one. For another, he’s keeping a sentient computer program on a secret server farm—the same program that nearly destroyed the Metrozone a few months back. Theorem: The city is broken. Proof: The people of the OutZone want what citizens of the Metrozone have. And then burn it to the ground. Now, with the heart of the city destroyed by the New Machine...
Death Day
Год выхода: 2011
Beware the golden disk - it brings decay… destruction… death…     Four hundred years ago, a woman died in agony to keep its secret and went to her rave with it hung around her neck. Now, in a desolate graveyard, a workman has unearthed the amulet by chance and decides to keep it. His first mistake…     That night the village of Medford is plunged into a nightmare of terror by the discovery of a double murder and mutilation - the first in a series of shocking killings.     Wherever the...